Mental wellness

Widespread Issue:

  • Mental illnesses affect a significant portion of adults in Canada and globally.
  • Many individuals, including college students, do not receive necessary mental health care.
  • Impact on College Students:
  • Mental health challenges significantly affect students’ lives and academic performance.

Lack of Awareness and Stigma:

  • Despite available resources, on-campus mental health services are underutilized.
  • Insufficient knowledge about services and the stigma surrounding mental illness contribute to this underutilization.

Promising Solutions:

  • Mental health awareness campaigns on campuses can change attitudes and encourage help-seeking.
  • Educational initiatives focused on reducing stigma and improving mental health literacy are effective strategies.
  • Participation in mental health events and campaigns improves attitudes and increases help-seeking.



The role of education in improving mental health literacy and reducing stigma is crucial. A study focusing on the impact of an Abnormal Psychology course revealed that such educational interventions could significantly enhance mental health awareness and reduce stigma among college students. The course covered various aspects of mental health, including symptoms, causes, and treatments of mental disorders, aiming to foster a supportive environment for students dealing with mental health issues.


The study employed pre- and post-tests among students enrolled in the course to evaluate changes in mental health awareness and attitudes toward stigma. Results indicated a positive shift in both awareness and attitudes, suggesting that mental health education can play a vital role in reducing stigma and encouraging help-seeking behavior. These findings underscore the importance of integrating mental health education into college curriculums to address and mitigate the challenges associated with mental health stigma and awareness.


In conclusion, addressing mental health issues requires a multifaceted approach that includes increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and providing accessible educational resources. By integrating mental health education into school curriculums and promoting awareness campaigns, institutions can significantly improve mental health outcomes for students. Such efforts not only aid in destigmatizing mental health issues but also empower learners to seek the help they need, ultimately fostering a healthier, more supportive environment.

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